
Mike Schreiner Launches Campaign with Holland Marsh Farmers Against Construction of Gas-Fired Power Plant‏


December 4, 2009

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Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, joined with concerned citizens and local farmers from the Holland Marsh, to launch a province-wide campaign against the construction of a natural gas plant on some of Ontario’s most bountiful farm land. Together, they are calling on the McGuinty government to stop imposing these plants on local communities and ensure Ontarians’ voices are heard.

Mike Schreiner believes it is irresponsible for the government to move forward with a project whose costs will likely increase due to fluctuations in natural gas prices and that threatens the viability of one of Ontario’s best farming regions. The GPO believes it is more financially responsible to reduce energy demand through investments in energy efficiency and promoting 21st century green energy. This plant flies in the face of reducing pollution, preserving prime farmland and promoting the health and well being of the community.


“I believe that communities should be empowered to make decisions that are in the best interests of citizens and unique local circumstances. I am calling on the McGuinty government to issue an immediate moratorium on their plans to impose a gas-fired plant on the residents and farmers in the Holland Marsh – one of Ontario’s most important agricultural areas that is critical to producing healthy local food that benefits all Ontarians.
– Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario

“For a government that is supposedly interested in Green Energy, putting a gas-fired plant on pristine agricultural land in one of the most fertile regions of the province is as puzzling as it is wrong.”
– Jamie Reaume, Executive Director, Holland Marsh Grower’s Association


The Holland Marsh is the source of 40 per cent of the nation’s onions and carrots, 25 per cent of the celery and almost all of Toronto’s locally produced Asian greens. It produces $50M of Ontario’s locally grown food.


Attached is a letter that was sent to MPP Kevin Flynn from the Holland Marsh Grower’s Association outlining the issues around the procurement process with the Ontario Power Authority.

The petition is available to all Ontarians at: www.gpo.ca.


Jaymini Bhikha
(416) 275-8573