
Race builds for Green Party nomination in St. Paul’s


August 7, 2009

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One of three candidates (Chris Chopik, Trifon Haitas and Raj Rama) vying for the candidacy will be elected by members at the Greens’ nomination meeting Wednesday August 12 at 6:30PM, at the Zemra Bar Lounge at 778 St. Clair Avenue West.

“We have three exceptional candidates ready to represent the people of St. Paul’s,” said Green Party Leader, Frank de Jong. De Jong recently announced his resignation as leader, opening the way for a leadership contest this fall. “The Green Party will use this opportunity to take on the Liberals and provide a better vision of Ontario and stronger opportunities for Toronto.”

Candidates for the nomination are speaking to Party members on Green issues, blogging and campaigning on Facebook. More information can be found at: www.stpaulsgreens.ca

Chris Chopik is a realtor and local expert in sustainable green buildings, an accomplished writer and public speaker, and sits on the boards of several community organizations. Trifon Haitas is the President and CEO of a news and entertainment company, an honourary member of the National Ethnic Press & Media Council of Canada and a ran for the Greens in the 2007 provincial election. Raj Rama was raised in St. Paul’s and has been employed for 20 years as a social and business entrepreneur, and he hopes to start a new frontier as Ontario’s first Green Party MPP.

The Green Party of Ontario won 8% of the vote in the 2007 provincial election and is at 11% in the latest poll by Ipsos-Reid, one point behind the NDP. The Green Party is committed to building a sustainable future that nourishes our families, communities and economy; visit www.gpo.ca.



John Taranu