
Take the Pledge for Climate Action


Take the Pledge

The climate emergency is happening right here in Ontario, across Canada and around the world.

But our governments aren't acting like it. It's time to show our leaders that we want stronger climate action right now.

By taking this pledge, you're joining a local climate movement to call on our Premier to:

  1. Stop investing in fossil fuel projects
  2. Phase out gas plants
  3. Stamp out sprawl.
  • * Required information

Thanks for Taking the Pledge.

This is a big first step!

Now, let's spread the word by sharing this call to action on socials. You can use the social media graphics and messaging we created below to get you started.

Dear Premier Ford,

The climate crisis is here.

Ontarians need bold, urgent government action to tackle the climate emergency. We need to take the pledge to reduce Ontario’s greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2045.

Ontario Greens have put forward a comprehensive plan to build a safer, healthier province, while cutting fossil fuel use to meet these goals.

Premier Ford, I’m writing to you today to ask you to join with them, take the pledge, reduce Ontario’s emissions, and make a cleaner, brighter future for everyone.

Every day we delay in getting the province off fossil fuels is dangerous for the next generation. They no longer have a choice. They know there must be action and it must be now if they are to have a long, healthy life. But you’re in charge; you’re calling the shots. The good news is that you can make better choices to help the future too.

We need real action now.

As part of a plan to reduce carbon emissions and make Ontario net-zero I’m asking you to:

Stop investing in new fossil fuel projects
Phase out gas plants
Stamp out sprawl

Ontario Greens have a plan to create new, greener jobs, affordable housing, and reduce carbon emissions so we can all have the future we want.

Will you commit to working with the Ontario Greens to adopt their climate action framework and put Ontario on the road to net-zero by 2045?


Share Your Support on Social Media!

Taking this pledge is a big first step.

Share the word with as many of your friends and family as possible so they can also get involved!

Together, we can show Doug Ford just how much Ontarians mean it when we say enough is enough.

Below you will find graphics to post on social media and spread the word.


We are in a #ClimateEmergency.
It's time to act like it.

Join me in taking the pledge to demand stronger #ClimateAction from our governments #ClimateActionNow.

Take the pledge for #ClimateActionNow


I'm taking the pledge for #ClimateAction. Ontario needs to do more to fight the climate crisis. #ClimateActionNow

Fighting the #ClimateCrisis is important to me.

I want to see our government do more in addressing climate change. Join me in taking the pledge for #ClimateAction.

