
Candidate Zone

Candidate Profile Submission

Please submit the following information prior to the date of your riding’s scheduled Nomination Meeting.

If you are nominated, this information will be used to prepare a news release announcing your nomination and to create your candidate profile on our website.

Fill in as much information as possible.

Review our Candidate Bio Guidelines for more information on how to draft a strong profile.

You may return to this form at a later date to update or add additional information for your candidate profile. In such cases, you only need to fill the portions of the form that you wish to update. If there is any content you would like removed from your page, please make this request in the “Notes” section.

  • Nomination Contestants

    Only complete this section if you are an approved Nomination Contestant (2022)
  • Name of Nomination Contestant or Candidate as it will appear on the ballot.
  • We will use this email to contact you if we have any questions about your submission. This will not be publicly posted.
  • Please select the riding where you are seeking the 2022 GPO Nomination.
  • Please limit your bio to approximately 200 words, written in the third person. For further guidance, please see the Candidate Bio Guide.
  • Please select a high resolution image with a neutral background (ideally a white or beige wall with no visible pattern or texture). Do not crop the image; we will do so if necessary. For further guidance, please see the Candidate Photo Guide.
    Max. file size: 50 MB.

  • Nominated Candidates

    You may complete this section once you are nominated candidate. The information provided below, in addition to the Bio & Photo information provided previously, will be used to create your candidate page at gpo.ca
  • Hidden
  • Hidden
    If you become the candidate, an official @gpo.ca email address will be issued to you for use as your public contact email. Your official email address will be in the format firstnamelastname@gpo.ca.
  • If you become the candidate, an official @gpo.ca email address will be issued to you for use as your public contact email. Your official email address will be in the format firstnamelastname@gpo.ca.

  • Please only submit a phone number if you feel comfortable with voters and media contacting you at that number as it will be made publicly available on our website.
  • Please include action photos of the candidate.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 8.
    • Please upload your videos to Youtube or Vimeo first and include the URL link here.
    • Please only submit social media profiles that you will be using specifically for your campaign. Personal social media accounts should not be included.