
Take the Lead

Run Green

It’s time for Queen’s Park to start looking and thinking like the people it represents. To have the best interests of future generations and the planet top of mind.

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Ontario is only as strong as the people that lead it.

That’s why it’s important that these local leaders have a voice at Queen’s Park.

A voice that understands the local struggles, but has the fight to make things better. That voice can come from anyone, regardless of race, gender, sexuality or background.

It can come from you.

Nominate yourself (or someone you know)

Did you know?

On average women need to be asked 7 times before they commit to being a candidate.

Only 39% of MPPs at Queen’s Park are women.

Greens understand the barriers and obstacles of putting your name on the ballot.

And we’re here to help.

We’ll help you overcome the administrative, funding, and logistical obstacles with resources like our Diversity and Inclusion Fund.

So you can help the province build back smarter — with issues like climate change, affordable housing and mental health at the forefront.

Be the change

Woman of African American descent holding a Green flag raising her fist
Women uplifting each other

Things can change for the better.

Things must change for the better.

And that doesn’t happen without you.

It’s time for Queen’s Park to start looking and thinking like the people it represents. To have the best interests of future generations and the planet top of mind.

So, we’re asking you to take the lead and run Green.

Because a greener and more caring Ontario starts with YOU.

Four individuals holding hands with a earth globe in the background
Young Asian Woman smiling
Young Asian Woman smiling