
Tracey MacKinnon

for Thunder Bay-Superior North

Tracey MacKinnon knows that the people of Thunder Bay—Superior North need a strong leader who recognizes the importance of representation.

Contact Tracey

Looking for the riding association?

Please reach out to GPO, Staff Organizer

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About Tracey

Tracey MacKinnon knows that the people of Thunder Bay—Superior North need a strong leader who recognizes the importance of representation.

As someone who has experienced homelessness herself, Tracey strives to end poverty and ensure every Ontarian can afford a full pantry and a roof over their head. A current ODSP recipient, Tracey knows the struggle of covering the cost of living with meager social assistance rates. She also participated in the Ontario Basic Income Pilot Project, which the previous government cancelled shortly after taking office. Her first-hand experience inspires her to fight for better social support for Ontarians.

Tracey has strong ties to the Indigenous community of Thunder Bay. She has witnessed the sad reality of inadequate housing on reserves and the lack of IT infrastructure to support reliable internet connections, which are fundamental to enabling access to information in an increasingly digital age.

A tireless advocate for vulnerable populations, Tracey has previously run municipally in Thunder Bay in 2018 and federally with the Green Party of Ontario in 2021. She will ensure that Queen’s Park hears everyone’s voice in Thunder Bay—Superior North.

Contact Tracey

Looking for the riding association?

Please reach out to GPO, Staff Organizer