
David Robinson

for Sudbury

As an economist, teacher, writer and community activist, David Robinson is running to be a strong voice for Sudbury.

Contact David

Looking for the riding association?

Please reach out to Pat Rogerson, CA President

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About David

As an economist, teacher, writer and community activist, David Robinson is running to be a strong voice for Sudbury. David knows that climate change is the most important issue of our time, and that Mike Schreiner is the only leader in Ontario presenting voters with a real option for tackling the challenges Ontario faces.

David and his family enjoy making Sudbury a better place to live, including by launching the process to bring the School of Architecture for Northern Ontario to the area, driving the creation of a park in their neighbourhood, and working to ensure the growth and development of Sudbury’s vibrant arts community.

David served on the Senate of Laurentian University and as director of the Institute for Northern Ontario Development. He is a former senior fellow at the Northern Ontario Policy Institute.

Contact David

Looking for the riding association?

Please reach out to Pat Rogerson, CA President