
Cara Des Granges

for Spadina-Fort York

Cara Des Granges has worked in both civil service and the non-profit sector, spending much of her career increasing civic literacy and participation.

Looking for the riding association?

Please reach out to Bruce Van Dieten, CA President

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About Cara

Cara Des Granges has worked in both civil service and the non-profit sector, spending much of her career increasing civic literacy and participation. Working with groups like Apathy is Boring, she has championed the voices of youth in electoral politics, seeking to make it a more fair and welcoming process for everyone.

Cara believes that protecting the environment, housing affordability and strengthening Ontario’s health care system should be top government priorities. Frustrated with short-sighted government policies, and dissatisfied with status quo politicking that consistently misses the mark, Cara is joining Mike Schreiner to bring Ontario the leadership it needs. She will use her voice to advocate on behalf of the residents of Spadina—Fort York for evidence-based policies that will benefit Ontarians today and for generations to come.

Looking for the riding association?

Please reach out to Bruce Van Dieten, CA President