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Statement on Pride month

June 1, 2024

QUEEN'S PARK — Ontario Greens Deputy Leader Aislinn Clancy released the following statement to mark Pride month.

“Pride is all about honouring the strength of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and its vital contributions to so many social justice movements around the world.
It’s about coming together to stand up for inclusive, loving communities where diversity is celebrated, not demonized.
It’s also an important time for us to look back on the history of anti-2SLGBTQ+ violence in our communities – and to commit to dismantling the oppression that 2SLGBTQ+ folks still face today.
We must not forget that Pride is rooted in resistance – resistance to violence, to racism, and to the many systemic injustices that 2SLGBTQ+ communities still face today..
We would not be where we are today without protest, without confrontation, and without immense and sustained pressure for change.
Today, as we witness a disturbing rise in violence against 2SLGBTQ+ communities in our province and around the world, it’s more important than ever that we are loud in our support for queer rights and resistance.
So here’s to celebration, and here’s to continued resistance.
To all those celebrating this month, have a safe and happy Pride.”
