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Opposition leaders ask Auditor General to assess financial and environmental impacts of Ford’s Greenbelt scheme

January 12, 2023

It is important for the opposition parties to work together to stop the Conservatives’ destructive agenda.

TORONTO — Ontario Greens leader Mike Schreiner is joining incoming NDP leader Marit Stiles and interim Liberal leader John Fraser in asking Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk to conduct a value-for-money audit and an environmental impact assessment of the Ford government's decision to open up Greenbelt lands for development.

In a letter (attached) to Ms. Lysyk, the leaders of the three Queen’s Park opposition parties say they are very concerned with the impact that the removal of thousands of acres of Greenbelt land will have on the future well-being of our province.

“Given the strong likelihood of negative impacts on the environment, we are requesting your office investigate the environmental impact of the removal of these Greenbelt lands on agricultural and natural systems,” the letter says.

“Additionally, we are requesting a value-for-money audit investigating how much public wealth has been transferred to property owners and whether these land transactions are in the public interest.”

According to Schreiner, “Ford’s Greenbelt scheme raises such serious concerns that it is important for the opposition parties to work together to stop the Conservatives’ destructive agenda.”

Schreiner also previously submitted a complaint to the Integrity Commissioner asking him to investigate whether the Premier or Minister Clark violated the Member’s Integrity Act with respect to their Greenbelt development decisions. Whether a full investigation will be opened is currently under review by the Commissioner.


Media contacts:
GPO, John Chenery: 647-213-2060, johnchenery@gpo.ca
NDP, Jodie Shupac: 416-806-9147, jshupac@ndp.on.ca
OLP, Carter Brownlee: 289-356-5356, cbrownlee@ontarioliberal.ca
